GroenLinks is the only party that connects both green and left-wing politics. We combine idealism with decisiveness: we are successfully governing Eindhoven as the largest progressive party comprising of seven council members and two aldermen. 

GroenLinks stands for a fair, sustainable and progressive Eindhoven. We aim to address the climate crisis fairly. Everyone should have an affordable place to live, a green and healthy environment and a life free of poverty and debt. 

1. Climate justice

The climate crisis is undoubtedly the largest challenge of our time. GroenLinks has already taken responsibility for addressing the issue in our city council’s coalition. As the only green and left-wing party, GroenLinks stands not only for climate action, but also for climate justice. Major polluters, who are responsible for climate change, should urgently cut their emissions and additionally therefore we support Eindhoven’s low-income citizens in the sustainable energy transition.

Vrouw zit op een vergroend dak naast zonnepanelen.
Twee jongeren lopen langs woningen en water. Een heeft een fiets bij zich.

2. Affordable housing for everyone

For students, those starting families and the elderly it is becoming increasingly difficult to remain in Eindhoven. The housing prices and rents keep on going up. Slum landlords and speculators have become richer at the expense of society at large. GroenLinks wants a just approach to the housing crisis. Villas and luxury penthouses do not solve these problems. Affordable homes do.

3. Green and healthy environment

Everybody should be able to have a pleasant and clean environment. However, the air in Eindhoven is polluted. GroenLinks therefore choose a radical greenification of Eindhoven, for humans, plants and animals and space for cyclists and for public transport.

Het Clausplein: plein bij de Witte Dame vergroend door inzet van GroenLinks. Er staan veel verschillende planten op de foto. Twee vrouwen kletsen en drinken koffie. Een draagt een rood-zwart gestreept pak, de ander een zwarte tuinbroek met een lichtblauw blouse eronder. Ze lachen.
Twee mannen aan het werk in een houtshop.

4. Fighting poverty and debt

A large percentage of our citizens struggle with day to day poverty and debt. GroenLinks stands for fairness. Not everyone out for themselves, but stronger together. We stand for social security in which everyone can reach their full potential. Fighting inequality is our priority.

5. Together we make Eindhoven ours

In these times it is easy to get isolated from each other. This is why GroenLinks is committed to an inclusive and lively city. A city with culture, sports and events. A city where everyone feels welcome, a city where all can be themselves and participate fully, irrespective of who you are. We do not tolerate racism and discrimination. Because together we make Eindhoven ours.

Man staat wapperend met regenboogvlag achter zich aan.